I took this outdoor portrait of an Ottawa model. The day was overcast which made for a lovely soft light. The World's biggest "softbox". I shot in Pentax (PEF) RAW 12 bit format. I'll start with the Original image converted to png and downsized from the 3008x2004 pixel (12.6 MB file size)
Pentax *ist D, SMC Pentax-M 85mm f:2 lens. PEF format, 1/125 sec @ f:5.6
Overall not a bad image, the camera default 2:3 aspect ratio will be cropped so I composed the shot to allow cropping from the top down to a 4:3 format.
I was content with this low-key image for a bit, but decided to see how it would work as a Black and White image. So I did a B&W conversion with Photoshop CS2.
I always add just a slight hint of warm tone (sepia) to my digital Black & White images. Often not even that apparent but I find they print a bit better.
Finally while playing around with the RAW(PEF) in Adobe Lightroom 3 Beta 2 I saw what the final image could be. I adjusted the levels and warmed the photograph up a little. That created to me a nicer image.
None are really better, just different interpretations. Just like when I used to go into my darkroom with a negative.
The final image did win an Award of Excellence as mentioned in my previousBlog post.
Darrell Larose