Monday, August 25, 2014

A downtown walk.

It was a nice sunny day today in downtown Ottawa. I try to do a 4-5km walk several days per week. I started my photo exploration on Metcalfe Street.

I was prompted to look up with this arrow. I headed over to Nepean Street.


Condos almost ready at Nepean Street and Metcalfe Street. Continuing west up Nepean...


Got to Kent Street, diagonally across from my old parish church are these towers.

New condo The Hudson.


Travelling a couple blocks west I ended up in front of the old family home at Nepean Street and Lyon Street.


The house I grew up in. This was the family home of my Grand parents, later owned by my parents. 335-333 Nepean Street, built in 1867. Still standing but is surrounded now. With condos on Bay St, Lyon St and Gloucester St (behind it)

Darrell Larose
Ottawa, Ontario

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Les grands feux du Casino du Lac‑Leamy : August 16, Grand Finale Show

Braving the low hanging clouds, and a sky the colour of aged pewter, I heading out for the final Fireworks display of the festival.  My new venue was outstanding, with an excellent sight line. I will fully compliment the on-duty R.C.M.P. Officers for their courtesy and professionalism. We are indeed fortunate in Canada that our Federal Government buildings and grounds are open to the public.elevated

Yes you are seeing fall colours in the foreground. As darkness flowed in...



Québec's Royal Pyrotechnie (Saint-Pie, Québec) created the Grand Finale of Les grands feux du Casino du Lac‑Leamy. I had good success on Canada Day on Victoria Island in the Ottawa River (West of Parliament Hill) for shows by Portugal and Switzerland. had an excellent field of view at river level. Tonight I selected a new elevated (230' above the river) and about 800 metres from the raft where they were being launched from.


I started with my SMC Pentax-DA 14mm f:2.8, but switched to my SMC Pentax-M 35mm f:2.8 the only other lens I was carrying was my SMC Pentax FA 50mm f:1.4. The 50mm was too long for tonight's vantage point. The low cloud ceiling at below 2,000' so the cloud held the smoke in. As my friend commented; ".. pay no attention to the show behind the smoke..."


With time exposures of fireworks you have to wing it, and hope the entire burst is in the frame. This one was one of the bigger bursts and I was already at the short end of my lens. Shutter drag technique, 8-12 seconds @f:22.




Darrell  Larose
Ottawa, Canada
16 August 2014

Les grands feux du Casino du Lac‑Leamy : August 13, Switzerland

Wednesday August 13, 2014, was  Switzerland's entry in Les grands feux du Casino du Lac‑Leamy. I had good success  previously from Victoria Island in the Ottawa River (West of Parliament Hill) had an excellent field of view.  This is around 800 metres from the raft where they were being launched from.

IMGP8787Pentax *istD, SMC Pentax-DA 14mm f:2.8. ISO 200, 12 seconds @ f:8. Was just a bit wide for there.

Twilight view looking east; showing the Alexandria Bridge in the center, Musée des beaux-arts du Canada light in red, Notre-Dame Basilica twin steeples, and to the right of the bright lights Parliament Hill. Pretty much the same view, as on Canada Day.

 Aug13-Swiss8919 Aug13-Swiss8920 Aug13-Swiss8925 Aug13-Swiss8928 Aug13-Swiss8938 Aug13-Swiss8947

I alternated between my  SMC Pentax-M 35mm f:2.8 and my SMC Pentax FA 50mm f:1.4. With my Pentax *istD firmly mounted on my Manfrotto tripod and Manfrotto head.  With time exposures of fireworks you have to wing it, and hope the entire burst is in the frame. This one was one of the bigger bursts and I was already at the short end of my lens. A remote cable release is vital so you don't shake the camera during the 6-12 second exposures.

Tonight, if the weather holds, I will be trying a spot that's closer to the launch raft.


Darrell Larose
Ottawa, Canada
16 August 2014

Afternoon project

I was toying with the nice natural light that my living room window has. So I grabbed my Pentax *istD with the SMC Pentax-FA 50mm f:1.4 lens and Manfrotto tripod. I ended up with the classical 1/125 second @ f:5.6 portrait setting on these self-portraits.



I decided to try Topaz Lab's Details plugin on this one. For the new hyper-realistic effect.






I've mocked the last one up as my new business card.





Darrell Larose
Ottawa, Canada

Monday, August 11, 2014

Les grands feux du Casino du Lac‑Leamy : August 9, Portugal

I decided to shoot the Portugal's entry in Les grands feux du Casino du Lac‑Leamy. I had good success on Canada Day on Victoria Island in the Ottawa River (West of Parliament Hill) had an excellent field of view.  This is around 800 metres from the raft where they were being launched from.
IMGP8787Pentax *istD, SMC Pentax-DA 14mm f:2.8. ISO 200, 12 seconds @ f:8. Was just a bit wide for there.

Twilight view looking east; showing the Alexandria Bridge in the center, Musée des beaux-arts du Canada light in red, Notre-Dame Basilica twin steeples, and to the right of the bright lights Parliament Hill. Pretty much the same view, as on Canada Day.
 Portugal-Aug9-8860 Portugal-Aug9-8845 Portugal-Aug9-8857 Portugal-Aug9-8844 IMGP8858 

I decided the SMC Pentax-M 35mm f:2.8 was the best choice from my experience the last time. so I switched to the only other lens I was carrying was  my SMC Pentax FA 50mm f:1.4.


With time exposures of fireworks you have to wing it, and hope the entire burst is in the frame. This one was one of the bigger bursts and I was already at the short end of my lens. 


After the show, the Ottawa sky was laden with the sulphurous cloud of gunpowder smoke.


Darrell Larose
Ottawa, Canada
10 August 2014