Monday, June 7, 2010

Early Digital Photography

Way back in the old days I worked in a large commercial studio in Ottawa. We like most studios shot weddings (fun actually) family portraits and commercial. Product shots were often shot on large-format up to 8x10" depending on the client and art director's requirements.

When I ended up in retail I was handed a 2.1 megapixel Olympus C2000Z point and shoot camera around 2003 and was requested to produce work for web, eBay and in store POS materials. I was recalling the days of sweep tables, 4 -2400WS stobes, huge softboxes and the related hardware...

But never one to not accept a challenge I worked with this toy digi-cam. The store did have a used small plexi sweep table that we seconded to the task. Here are two of my favourite images from the days

The store became the exclusive Voigtländer dealer in the Ottawa region, but the official importer's photos weren't really that good. So I used my mini-studio and created this POS piece of the Voigtländer Bessa R w/ the 12mm Ultra-Wide lens.

Both were close cut with Photoshop 5.5 back then... Could I have done better with a 4x5 Sinar and digital back... probably! But having a handle on the limitations of the camera, one can achieve results.


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