Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My Dad was a D-Day Dodger!!

Sung to Lili Marlene...

We're the D-Day Dodgers out in Italy -

Always on the vino, always on the spree.

Eighth Army scroungers and their tanks

We live in Rome - among the Yanks.

We are the D-Day Dodgers, over here in Italy.

We landed at Salerno, a holiday with pay,

Jerry brought the band down to cheer us on our way

Showed us the sights and gave us tea,.

We all sang songs, the beer was free.

We are the D-Day Dodgers, way out in Italy.

The Volturno and Cassino were taken in our stride

We didn't have to fight there. We just went for the ride.

Anzio and Sangro were all forlorn.

We did not do a thing from dusk to dawn.

For we are the D-Day Dodgers, over here in Italy.

On our way to Florence we had a lovely time.

We ran a bus to Rimini right through the Gothic Line.

On to Bologna we did go.

Then we went bathing in the Po.

For we are the D-Day Dodgers, over here in Italy.

Once we had a blue light that we were going home

Back to dear old Blighty, never more to roam.

Then somebody said in France you'll fight.

We said never mind, we'll just sit tight,

The windy D-Day Dodgers, out in Sunny Italy.

Now Lady Astor, get a load of this.

Don't stand up on a platform and talk a load of piss.

You're the nation's sweetheart, the nation's pride

We think your mouth's too bloody wide.

We are the D-Day Dodgers, in Sunny Italy.

When you look 'round the mountains, through the mud and rain

You'll find the scattered crosses, some which bear no name.

Heartbreak, and toil and suffering gone

The boys beneath them slumber on

They were the D-Day Dodgers, who'll stay in Italy.

So listen all you people, over land and foam

Even though we've parted, our hearts are close to home.

When we return we hope you'll say

"You did your little bit, though far away

All of the D-Day Dodgers, way out there in Italy."


1 comment:

  1. Wonderful Darrell,!u know my Dad always sang that song too.
