I was recently gifted with a nice mint condition Nikon El-Nikkor 50mm f:5.6 enlarger lens. I've used many an EL-Nikkor in my darkroom career, and thought they were outstanding lenses. I have no intention of returning to the darkroom, however an enlarger lens is by nature a macro lens. So went to my back-up film camera gadget bag, dug out my Pentax Auto-Bellows M, my M42 to K-mount adapter, and my M39>M42 (Leica thread to Pentax thread) ring. Screwed the EL-Nikkor onto the front of the bellows, popped the bellows onto my Pentax *istD dSLR, this rig will focus from extreme macro to ∞. Here are two samples I took today.

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)
Darrell Larose
Ottawa, Canada
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