Friday, August 9, 2013

Seen from up here.

I have always enjoyed the sky.  Here are some recent sky images.



Luna-July13 Luna-21July13 July12-13d July12-13c July12-13b July12-13a IMGP8093 IMGP8087 IMGP8083 IMGP8081 IMGP8072 IMGP8064 IMGP7953 IMGP7952 IMGP7950 IMGP7949 IMGP7947 IMGP7946 IMGP7941 IMGP7940 IMGP7936 IMGP7925 clouds (2) 3Augcloud

What I find handy is the SunCalc website, that shows me exactly the position of the Sun during the day.

Darrell Larose
Ottawa, Canada.

1 comment:

  1. Great captures! I'm just now playing with time lapse and skies. Have you ever tried that?
