I am a self confessed aero-geek. This dates back to going to airshows with my Dad in the 1960's. The last airshow he took us to was the 1967 Rockcliffe Air Show. Everything that the National Aviation Collection (pre Aviation Museum) were pulled out of the WWII wooden hangers, if it could fly up it went.
A replica of the Silver Dart, a Tiger Moth, a Stearman all putted through the sky... ladies and gentleman turn your attention to show left... The Spitfire blasted past in a high speed pass, the snarl of the Merlin echoed off the escarpment zoom and a climb out. Next pass was a more leisurely one with the victory roll.
Next is the oldest airplane I have ever had the chance to fly in, this is Air Canada's restored 1937 Lockheed L-10A Electra, CF-Tcc. Trans Canada Airline bought 3 of these to start their service (re-named Air Canada in the 1960's)
Amelia Earhart's last flight was in a L-10A
- Not only the oldest aircraft I have flown in, but to date the only "tail dragger" I have flown in. Sometimes an aero-geek isn't at an airshow, sometimes we just hang around the fence, and wait.
[caption id="attachment_144" align="aligncenter" width="365" caption="Air Canada Lockheed L-1011 TriStar in service 1973~1996"][/caption]
While waiting for airshow arrivals this little amphibian flew into my field of view. I thought it was a little bird in a big sky. I does speak of general aviation in Canada...
[caption id="attachment_146" align="aligncenter" width="405" caption="Grumman G-44 Widgeon Amphibian"][/caption]
Back to airshows...
[caption id="attachment_147" align="aligncenter" width="450" caption="The long serving Canadian Airforce Lockheed T-33"][/caption]
It isn't an airshow without afterburners, here is the Canadian Airforce, front line CF-18 Hornet.
[caption id="attachment_148" align="aligncenter" width="450" caption="Canadian Airforce CF-18 Hornet"][/caption]
Some times a still life will present it's self to a photographer.
[caption id="attachment_149" align="aligncenter" width="450" caption="Helmet on Tomcat"][/caption]
Like the helmet on a U.S. Navy F-14 Tomcat, I didn't see Tom Cruise nearby.
Check 6
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