Monday, February 22, 2010

Transformations (or how I put my self in the picture)

I have been asked at times how I make some of my Photoshop transformations. Example 1, me as Spock.

[caption id="attachment_121" align="aligncenter" width="431" caption="Totally logical"][/caption]

Well sometimes I'll see an image that matches an existing headshot I already have in my archives. By using the layers feature and some masking I can often merge the two images together.  I may have to adjust contrast and colour balance to aid in the transformation.

[caption id="attachment_122" align="aligncenter" width="450" caption="Not a transporter accident"][/caption]

Next example is a movie poster from SAW V.  This came about around Hallowe'en I saw the poster, so I grabbed a profile shot of myself.

The SAW poster was in black & white, so I did my normal layers, adjustments, resized my face to match. I also went and colourized the B&W image to get a sort of colour version. I used the eraser tool at different densities to merge the "mask" and my profile...

Result is this...


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